Transmission #12.85: "La Revolucio"


A brief update: we're aiming to relaunch S&M on October 13th!

Also, we now have a Patreon! I post additional content there for those interested in supporting these projects. (Much love to our supporters!)

On top of the complete rewrite and creation of all new assets, a severe mental health episode knocked the wind out of my sails for much of the summer, delaying both S&M and the (basically finished) Act II of TME. It's been an uphill battle, and I still have a long way to go, but I think I've found my work rhythm again? Maybe? We'll see!

Focusing on something less bleak, there's a lot we're keeping under wraps until we relaunch S&M, but here are a few small things:

(There's more on the Patreon if you want to check it out!)

If things go according to plan, we may also be able to get TME Act II out around the same time as S&M's relaunch. 

…Let's see how that pans out!

Other notes:

Due to limitations, we're suspending support for the Android version of S&M. 

(Simply put, we don't have the resources to get it to a playable state right now.)

Lastly, given that I do basically everything except for the music, I thought it'd be worthwhile to just put it out there that I'd love to work with musicians! Shoot us an email if you'd be interested!

As always, thanks for tuning in! We're looking forward to relaunching in October!

Til next time!


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